Academic Affairs. Graduate Programs. Masters in Public Adminsitration-Tribal Concentration Program. 1999-2005 1980-2013


Academic Affairs. Graduate Programs. Masters in Public Adminsitration-Tribal Concentration Program. 1999-2005 1980-2013

The Evergreen State College Master's in Public Administration Tribal Concentration Program documents the programs creation, development, and curriculum from 1999 - 2013. This collection consists of papers, reports, audio and visual recordings including digitized files.

1.0 cubic feet; consists of 4 large .33 cu. ft. letter size storage boxes. one file storage container for recruitment literature; two file storage containers for program records and one file storage container for the visual and audio recordings.



SNAC Resource ID: 6375051

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The Evergreen State College-Master's in Public Administration-Tribal Concentration Program began in 2002. Classes meet Friday evenings, all day Saturday and Sunday intensive weekend formats. Students take two years of Core courses (4 hours/quarter) typically with their cohort and 36 hours of electives, culminating in a 4 hour Capstone (or optional thesis). A new cohort is admitted into the program every other year, producing a graduating cohort biennially. Course work emphasizes the...